9.Dimensional Wellness Coach
Creative Consultant
My perspective on life is really quite simple. I came here (Planet Earth) to advocate for the (Whole) Self. By that I mean I support the true You shining through, fully, wholly and boldly. You being you makes space for me to be me and vice versa. I recognize that the 1 is the Whole. Therefore, All that I do, in the Spirits of Love, Peace, Transformation and Wellness - is to be an inspiration to both myself and other selves to see our self-defined best, to be our self-defined best and to inspire the rest.
Won't you join me in my quest?
The Self+Care Stylist
9.Dimensional Wellness Coach
Transformer by Nature and Nurture I live to make change, starting with me - as the Icon that is Michael Jackson once said. The power that we have within is both incredible and infinite. I choose to use my powers for the good of Collective Wellness, starting with the One.
At one time (for 12+ years), I used my powers in fashion, costume and wardrobe styling. This path taught me much about the human psyche and gave me the foundation to be The Self+Care Stylist. I recognized that real change meant diving a little deeper - leaving no parts of the Self behind .
Self+Care is not 1-size-fits-all but All can benefit from tailored Self+Care.
Which brings me to Coaching the 9.Dimensions of Wellness: Career/Professional*Creative*Emotional*Environmental*Financial*Intellectual
Honestly, Wellness chose me to be a representative of its truth - that we ALL have access to self-defined, self-designed, and self-developed Wellbeing - it is our bEARTHright. While I work with All, I am particularly called to support:
Artists*HealthPractioners*Arts Organizations*Healthcare Conglomerates
Creative Consultant
As a naturally gifted writer, I have nurtured my ability to bend words to my will, infusing them with the power to heal and fill one with wonderment, deep interest and investment. Writing has long been a form of therapy for me. Upon moving to L.A. and working in film, I discovered my Love for screenplay writing. I leveraged that ability and coupled it with my keen eye to see the big picture in the smallest of details. Over time working with artists and arts organizations of various sizes, sectors and strengths. I cultivated my gifts as writer and visionary by shaping these into skills.
Consulting offers me the flexibility to connect the dots and creatively convey the throughline of your story. In choosing who I collaborate with I consider alignment, mission and values. Working with me is always quite transformative, so be ready for that part though I guarantee its worth your while and its always in the Spirits of Love, Peace and Wellness.
Intuitively, I see you - I feel you - I know you - the real you.
Holding space for that to take shape in the here and now.
Give thanks - your presence is a present, your energy and engagement are valued - in this right now moment. I look forward to hearing from you in the way that suits you.
All the best in your journey; rooting for you!